OBA’s 12th Annual Ethics Seminar
The local Omaha Bar Association’s (OBA) 12th Annual Ethics Seminar registration due date for this year’s free CLE seminar is fast-approaching. The seminar takes place April 13, 2018 and is free for all OBA members. It is held at the Creighton University Harper Center Lied Auditorium. The seminar begins at 2:15 pm.
If your attorney is not an OBA member, this is a good enough reason to become one. Seriously. Not to mention all of the other great benefits that the OBA includes with their affordable membership. But this free ethics CLE that they offer every year is truly a benefit to our attorneys.
The seminar is conveniently held on a Friday each year in the spring, just when the weather is getting nice and the golf course begins to really call your attorney’s attention. If your attorney is not an OBA member, don’t worry, attorneys can still attend for just $75. Those of you paralegals who pay attention to attorney’s CLE expenses know that is still a great deal. But with the OBA’s affordable membership prices, it would be a better use of their money to purchase a membership and then attend for free. The OBA has other free events and lots of great membership benefits.
The event is respectful of your time. It promptly starts at 2:20 PM and adjourns at 4:45 PM. Taking place during a time that usually isn’t a law firm’s most productive hours, and the fact that it comes with a free cookie and a Coke – make it a no-brainer.
The OBA’s Annual Ethics Seminar sets your attorney up with their required CLEs long before December. Your attorney’s time and attention is much more wisely used in December focusing on end-of-year responsibilities. Or better yet next year’s goals, or Christmas or Hanukkah, or picking up slip-and-fall PI cases. Anything besides being barricaded in their office on “Do Not Disturb” while they finish up their required CLE requirements to protect their precious law license.
So about now maybe you’re thinking, “If my attorney wanted to go, had the time to go, etc. – my attorney would have registered.” This may be true. However, your attorney will surely appreciate you looking out for them when it comes to this extremely important requirement by letting your attorney know about the free event, at the very least.
And knowing how busy your attorney can be, I am certain if they did actually pay attention to the pamphlet they may have received in the mail regarding the event, they probably have no idea how great the speaker lineup is at this annual seminar.
Here’s this year’s agenda.
2:20 p.m. Welcome:
Creighton Law Dean Mike Kelly and
OBA President Anne Marie O’Brien
2:30 p.m. Avvo is Recruiting – Can You Join the Team?
Stephen C. Sierberson, Creighton School of Law
3:15 p.m. Special Guest Speaker:
Hon. Mark S. Cady,
Chief Justice of the Iowa Supreme Court
3:45 p.m. BREAK
4:00 p.m. Update on Recent Ethics Decisions in Iowa & Nebraska
J. Scott Paul, Esq.,
McGrath North
4:45 p.m. Adjournment
Please contact Dave at omahabarassociation@creighton.edu or 402-280-3607 if you have any questions or concerns.
Visit their website at www.omahabarassociation.com for more information about upcoming events such as this one.
I post the seminar on our firm’s calendar and any attorneys that have access to our calendar can see it when they look at the month’s view. Click here to be directed to the registration form on the OBA’s website.
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Valentina Zapata Harris
Mother | Advocate | Blogger