Paralegal Power & AffiliateIncome
The Paralegal Power Blog’s focus and main intent is to provide content that promotes the success, advancement, excellence and efficiency of paralegals and legal professionals. We started a blog because I like to write and we know that it is a must when marketing a business. When I write this blog I feel like I have a friend in my office and we are just gabbing about work. I decided a long time ago that I was not going to be concerned with how someone views me or our business by what I write in our blogs. I strive to be absolutely open and up front with the readers of this blog and for that reason I am doing an entire blog on how the blog earns income from the affiliate links in the blog.
If you have read our book “How To Start A Paralegal Firm In 25 Steps” then you know that starting a blog is vital to any business. And you know that writing a blog isn’t only about writing great content. You must optimize your blog. There are many steps to optimizing your blog in our book, but one of the steps is to add links to other websites to your blog. Links to websites that receive a lot of traffic and have been around for a long time are especially helpful.
The Internet is so vast that literally every blog you write could naturally link to two to three or fifty other websites, easily. As is the case with the Paralegal Power Blog. When trying to increase a legal professional’s success, excellence and efficiency there are a myriad of products, mostly free or low cost, that we have encountered and we want to share the ones that we know are truly the best These links usually offer more information regarding the blog, further resources and or special offers for our readers.
Not all of the links can result in affiliate income for our business; however, if affiliate income is possible – we are likely receiving it. The reason this sounds so vague and so cocky is because we work with VigLinks and basically we just get to write like normal and link to things we truly feel are great products or offers for our readers and if there is affiliate income available, Viglinks basically automatically makes sure we receive credit.
I just get to write from my heart and VigLinks will do the rest. If I am recommending a product in the blog it is because I truly recommend it. It is because I have done my homework on the product and it has helped us or our clients. Again, we may or may not receive affiliate income from our recommendations. The cool thing about Viglinks is I don’t have to keep track. I can just write about topics I think can help legal professional’s succeed, achieve a higher level of excellence and efficiency and/or entertain. And if there is a bounty to be had for Paralegal Power out there and you the reader believe in the product as much as we do, it will be done. For that we are infinitely grateful to you the reader.
If you want to monetize your blog as well, we wrote a blog that will help you get started, “Why You Should Monetize Your Blog.”
About the Author

Valentina Zapata Harris
Mother | Advocate | Blogger